2023 Farm Bill

Offering of Letters to End Hunger

Join us in supporting a farm bill that builds healthy, equitable, and sustainable food systems.

The farm bill is a package of US legislation that has a tremendous impact on farmers and farming, healthy food access for low-income families, and sustainable farming practices. SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), formerly known as food stamps, makes up a big part of the farm bill. The current bill expires in 2023.

South Congregational Church and the Food Pantry are writing letters to Congress to urge them to support a farm bill that builds healthy, equitable, and sustainable food systems. We have written a sample letter for you to easily download, personalize, print, sign, and mail. You can also reach out to Congress by email.

The specific asks in the sample letter are to:

  • Increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables by increasing support for produce-specific Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits in the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP). This provides resources on top of monthly SNAP benefits for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables, primarily at farmer’s markets, for a limited number of households.

  • Eliminate barriers to SNAP for marginalized populations, including ending the ban on former drug offenders, eliminating work requirements for college students, and permitting indigenous communities to administer SNAP and other federal nutrition programs on reservations.

  • Keep food out of landfills by increasing support for post-harvest food recovery efforts and addressing the threat to food security posed by extreme weather.

  • Support funding for international food aid programs such as Food for Peace.


Period Poverty Awareness Week & Drive


Unused Church Stage Converted to Food Pantry Space